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Australia boosts climate science research in u-turn

Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Flickr, Creative commons licence 2.0
Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Flickr, Creative commons licence 2.0

The newly elected Australian conservative government makes a clear break from the previous government – led by climate skeptic Prime Minister Tony Abott – after announcing more funding for climate science.

Severe cuts to the Australian Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) climate change division had been announced in February and have now in part been reversed. "It's a new government and we're laying out a direction that climate science matters," the new Science Minister Greg Hunt said on Australian radio. The government will provide 15 new climate science jobs plus research investments worth A$37 million over 10 years. However, scientists and advocates remained concerned about the future of CSIRO.

Read more on the Reuters and Guardian webpages.

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