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Agriculture and Rural Development in a Globalizing World: Challenges and Opportunities

Abbreviated abstract

Rapid structural transformation and urbanization are transforming agriculture and food production in rural areas across the world. This textbook provides a comprehensive review and assessment of the multi-faceted nature of agriculture and rural development, particularly in the developing world, where the greatest challenges occur.

It is designed around five themes: Agricultural Intensification and Technical Change; Political Economy of Agricultural Policies; Community and Rural Institutions; Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health; and Future Relevance of International Institutions. Each chapter presents a detailed but accessible review of the literature on the specific topic and discusses the frontiers in research and institutional changes needed as societies adapt to the transformation processes.


Pingali, P. and Feder, G. (eds) (2017). Agriculture and Rural Development in a Globalizing World: Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge, London and New York.

For further details see here.

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