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PhD: Agroecological Transitions for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation (Agroecology4Climate), Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Müncheberg, Germany

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The PhD researcher will contribute to the project Agroecological Transitions for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation (Agroecology4Climate). The PhD will be co-supervised by project partners at UHOH and will be expected to spend some time at UHOH in Stuttgart, Germany.

The role of the PhD position will be to carry out participatory research with farmer organizations in Brandenburg and sample farms and organizations across a diversification gradient from low-diversity farming systems to highly networked, perennial management systems. The PhD will then use qualitative and quantitative methods to assess climate resilience outcomes and estimate the potential of scaling adoption of perennial practices.

  •   independently carry out inter- and transdisciplinary research on agroecological transitions in Brandenburg that will result in a cumulative PhD thesis
  •   leading the field study in Brandenburg by conducting transdisciplinary research with project partners from the AbL and Demeter to carry out on-farm research together with farmers
  •   develop and deepen stakeholder networks with important actors for agroecological transitions in Brandenburg
  •   conduct qualitative interviews, mixed method surveys, and field sampling (e.g. soil carbon, above-ground carbon, creating land cover maps of farms)
  •   assess farmers’ management practices, farm productivity, and participation in agroecological movements
  • discussing, integrating, and sharing results with project partners
  •   attending regular project meetings and workshops Lead the writing of scientific publications, as well as contribute to other research outputs, e.g., reports, and communication/engagement materials for local stakeholders

Women are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications from severely disabled persons with equal qualifications are favored. Please enclose the following documents with your application: short letter of motivation, curriculum vitae (CV), current transcripts (proof of qualitation and certificates) and contact information of 2 professional references. Please send your application preferably online (see button online application below). For e-mail applications, create a PDF document (one PDF file, max. 5 MB; packed PDF documents, archive files like zip, rar etc. Word documents cannot be processed and therefore cannot be considered!).  Applications should state the reference number 50-2024 until June 21, 2024 to (see button e-mail application below).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Dr. Maria Lee Kernecker, email:; Tel. +49 (0) 33432/82-448.