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Job: Commissioner for the Tenant Farming Sector, DEFRA, York/Bristol/Newcastle/London, UK


Advertiser's description (via DEFRA):


DEFRA is the UK government department responsible for safeguarding our natural environment, supporting our world-leading food and farming industry, and sustaining a thriving rural economy. 

About the role

A third of all farmland in England is managed by tenant farmers who play an important role in delivering our food security and environmental objectives alongside being an integral part of rural communities and local economies.  Establishing a Commissioner for the Tenant Farming sector forms a key part of this, working alongside the joint Defra / industry Farm Tenancy Forum to encourage collaborative landlord and tenant relationships. 

The role is the first of its kind in England and will be a unique leadership role. The candidate requires specialist industry knowledge of agricultural tenancy agreements and experience in facilitating solutions between tenant farmers, landlords and their advisors. Specific professional qualifications are also desirable for successful delivery of the role (such as rural chartered surveyor, agricultural lawyer, agricultural valuer, or facilitation skills and experience).

The primary purpose of this role is to provide a trusted, confidential and impartial point of contact and advice for tenants, landlords and advisors who have concerns about poor behaviour and complaints that the Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Code of Practice on responsible conduct for the sector is not being followed. The commissioner will investigate concerns raised with the aim of facilitating solutions in a collaborative and impartial way and signposting sources of further advice if needed.