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China UK seminar. Image: Kashgar Sunday Market Wikimedia Commons

FCRN China UK livestock seminar

In June 2011 the FCRN held a workshop, in partnership with SAIN UK-China, to explore issues relating to livestock consumption in the UK and Chinese contexts.

In June 2011 the FCRN held a workshop, in partnership with SAIN UK-China, to explore issues relating to livestock consumption in the UK and Chinese contexts.
The workshop was hosted by the Chinese Agro-Environmental Protection Institute, and funded by the World Society for the Protection of Animals.
You can read the workshop summary and download the speaker presentations here.
Note: The FCRN is planning on undertaking collaborative follow-up work with Chinese partners in this area (see workshop summary).  If you have any ideas as to the research itself, or can suggest how the research might be financed, please contact the FCRN.


PDF iconFCRN China workshop: SUMMARY AND NOTES

PDF iconFCRN China: Yuelia Lu, Welcome

PDF iconFCRN China: Tara Garnett, Introduction and overview

PDF iconFCRN China: Gao Shangbin, GHG emissions China

PDF iconFCRN China: Donal Murphy-Bokern, GHG emissions UK

PDF iconFCRN China: Fenying Zhai, Nutrition China

PDF iconFCRN China: Joe Millward, Nutrition UK

PDF iconFCRN China: Xianhong Gu and Yue Hao, Animal Welfare, China

PDF iconFCRN China: Basia Romanowicz, Animal welfare UK

PDF iconFCRN China: Jikun Yuang and Jun Yang, Economic development China

PDF iconFCRN China: Mike Gooding, Economic development UK