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Sustainable Intensification in Agriculture: Premises and Policies

The FCRN’s Tara Garnett, and Charles Godfray of Oxford’s Future of Food programme have lead authored a new paper published in Science, written in collaboration with a range of academics.

The FCRN’s Tara Garnett, and Charles Godfray of Oxford’s Future of Food programme have lead authored a new paper published in Science, written in collaboration with a range of academics.

See the press-release here

The full paper can be accessed here.


Garnett T, Appleby M C, Balmford A, Bateman I J, Benton T G, Bloomer P, Burlingame B, Dawkins M, Dolan L, Fraser D, Herrero M, Hoffman I, Smith P, Thornton P K, Toulmin C, Vermeulen S J and Godfray H C J (2013). Sustainable Intensification in Agriculture: Premises and Policies, Science, vol. 341, July 5 2013.