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WEBINAR: Land Use Framework for England: what does it mean for farming?

Nature friendly farming network logo featuring a water drop shape with cartoon of field and cow
Event date
Event time
6 - 7pm GMT

With finite land and multiple demands upon it, from food production and nature restoration to housing and energy infrastructure, taking a strategic approach to land use decision-making sounds eminently sensible. But what does this look like in practice?

Join the Nature Friendly Farming Network, and a representative from the LUF team in Defra, to explore what a new Land Use Framework (LUF) for England may mean for farming and farmers. With plenty of opportunity to ask questions and find out how you can shape government thinking through the public consultation process.


Martin Lines, CEO of the Nature Friendly Farming Network

Jenna Hegarty, Head of UK Policy, Nature Friendly Farming Network

Defra representative from the Land Use Framework team