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Feeding the World, Farming the Planet

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British Library (London, UK) & Online
Event date
Event time
19:00 BST

Organiser's description (via the British Library):

What are big challenges in farming and food production, and what comes next?

The question of how we feed ourselves has never been more urgent. Farmers are split between pressures of rewilding, regenerative farming, biodiversity, and how to make a living from the land. The environmental impacts of how the land is used and where our food comes from create challenges that policy-makers struggle to wrestle with, and leave consumers with more questions than answers. In the centre of it all lies the challenge of just how we feed ourselves when the global food system is under more pressure than ever.

Delve into these questions – and answers – of land use, farming, the environment and food with Henry Dimbleby whose latest book, Ravenous, explains not just why the food system is leading us into disaster, but what can be done about it; Dr Tara Garnett whose work looks at how the food system can become sustainable, resilient, and ultimately ‘good’; Nick Saltmarsh of Hodemedods who for over 10 years has been working with British bean farmers to increase diversity on farms and in the food we eat, for the benefit of farming and farmed landscapes, the environment, individual health and our food culture; and Abby Allen of Pipers Farm who advocates for reconnecting with small-scale family farms for eating meat more sustainably and ethically. Chaired by Dimitri Houtart, BBC Rural Affairs Champion & BBC Audio Rural Affairs, Food, Natural History & Environment Editor. 

This event is part of the British Library's Food Season 2023 and takes place in the British Library. It will be simultaneously live streamed on the British Library platform. Tickets may be booked either to attend in person, or to watch on our platform (online) either live or within 48 hours on catch up here.