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Fisheries and Energy Use

This report gives valuable data on energy use in a range of fisheries types across the world, showing the energy intensity of fish production. It shows large variability across sectors and within a sector, between locations and fishing methods.

This report gives valuable data on energy use in a range of fisheries types across the world, showing the energy intensity of fish production. It shows large variability across sectors and within a sector, between locations and fishing methods.

Energy Return on Investment (EROI) data are provided for a number of fisheries and compared with other sources of protein. The EROI of the different fish products listed varies widely, with shrimp, for example having a lower EROI than beef. Indonesian carp, however, has a far higher EROI than the meat products included in this study. The study also reports that, in spite of the ongoing declines in the energy performance of fisheries, many industrial fisheries for human consumption remain energetically competitive with other animal protein–producing systems.

Tyedmers, P. 2004 Fishing and Energy Use. Encyclopedia of Energy. Elsevier, Amsterdam. vol. 2, p. 683-693.
This report is attached below.

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