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Feeding farmed salmon: Is organic better?

In this study, fish meals/oils from dedicated reduction fisheries were replaced with fisheries by-product meals/oils.

This markedly increased the environmental impacts of feed production, largely due to the higher energy intensity of fisheries for human consumption, and low meal/oil yield rates of fisheries by-products.

In this study, fish meals/oils from dedicated reduction fisheries were replaced with fisheries by-product meals/oils.

This markedly increased the environmental impacts of feed production, largely due to the higher energy intensity of fisheries for human consumption, and low meal/oil yield rates of fisheries by-products.

Environmental impacts were considerably lower when feeds contained reduced proportions of fish and poultry-derived ingredients. These results indicate that current standards for organic salmon aquaculture, which stipulate the use of organic crop ingredients and fisheries by-product meals and oils, fail to reduce the environmental impacts of feed production for the suite of impact categories considered in this study.

Pelletier, N. and P. Tyedmers (2007) “Feeding Farmed Salmon: Is organic better?” Aquaculture. 272: 399-416.
The paper is available below.

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