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Aquaculture and Energy Use

This article describes various techniques used to assess the energy performance of a selection of aquaculture systems, representing intensities and methodologies which dominate global production.

The paper has useful figures and data on global aquaculture production over time and schematic energy flow model for various types of seafood production. Energy performance of extensive and intensive aquaculture systems are analysed and the biophysical efficiency and sustainability of aquaculture systems is discussed.

This article describes various techniques used to assess the energy performance of a selection of aquaculture systems, representing intensities and methodologies which dominate global production.

The paper has useful figures and data on global aquaculture production over time and schematic energy flow model for various types of seafood production. Energy performance of extensive and intensive aquaculture systems are analysed and the biophysical efficiency and sustainability of aquaculture systems is discussed.

As with many Tyedmers papers, this paper also includes useful ranked data on the industrial energy inputs and protein energy outputs of a range of fisheries, aquaculture and agricultural products.

Troell, M, P. Tyedmers, N. Kautsky, and P. Rönnbäck (2004) Aquaculture and Energy Use, Cleveland, C. (editor-in-chief) Encyclopedia of Energy. Elsevier, Amsterdam. vol. 1, p. 97-108. This paper is available here.
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