Efficient Meat 2.0
The only way to feed billions or the root of society's problems?

Technological innovation and sustainable intensification pave the way for a more efficient livestock production system. These innovations reduce negative environmental impacts, free up land for conservation, and improve animal health. People continue to consume meat at the same rate (or more) and at the same price as they are used to.
This scenario sees an acceleration of developments underway in the early part of the 21st century. Improved genetics and breeding, optimised animal nutrition, and better veterinary care and housing all give rise to greater productivity. The upshot is a system which delivers more meat, more cheaply and at lower environmental cost, for a given unit of animal output. In this scenario, technological innovation is essential to meeting the inevitable global increase in demand for meat in ways that are affordable to everyone, and in so doing reducing malnutrition and livestock related environmental impacts.