Ep6. Plant-based - planet friendly or unnatural?

Planet friendly eating or going against our nature?




[ read the episode transcript ]


Part 5 - What works and what doesn't     (9 minutes)



Susan Jebb, public health nutrition scientist, discusses what strategies work to get people to change their diets work, and which don’t. Turns out it’s easier to change the environments where people eat and purchase food, instead of changing individual behavior.





Susan Jebb is a professor of population and diet health at the University of Oxford. She has a particular interest in how we can support healthier and more sustainable diets to improve the health of people and the planet. She co-leads the Health Behaviours team, whose research spans a range of research methods including systematic reviews, observational epidemiology, experimental studies, qualitative research and health economics, but with an emphasis on intervention development and testing in feasibility or large scale trials. .



Section resources


Article: Trends in UK meat consumption (Cristina Stewart et al., 2021)


Article: The Effects of Environmental Sustainability Labels on Selection, Purchase, and Consumption of Food and Drink Products: A Systematic Review (Christina Potter et al., 2021)


Article: Restructuring physical micro-environments to reduce the demand for meat: a systematic review and qualitative comparative analysis (Filippo Bianchi et al., 2018)


Article: Interventions targeting conscious determinants of human behaviour to reduce the demand for meat: a systematic review with qualitative comparative analysis (Filippo Bianchi et al., 2018)