Ep5. Less meat - win-win-win or elitist?

Triple win for people, planet and animals or elitist and unrealistic?



[ read the episode transcript ]


Part 3 - Less, but better (6 minutes)


Kajsa Resare Sahlin, PhD candidate at the Stockholm Reslience Centre, researches what is meant by "Less but better" meat. What does better animal welfare, better for the environment, and healthier meat actually look like?




A systematic review of the definitions and interpretations in scientific literature of ‘less but better’ meat in high-income settings (Kajsa Resare Sahlin and Joanna Trewern, 2022)


Delivering "less but better" meat in practice-a case study of a farm in agroecological transition (Kajsa Resare Sahlin et al., 2022)


'Less but better' meat is a sustainability message in need of clarity (Kajsa Resare Sahlin, Line Gordon and Elin Röös, 2022)