Ep4. Alternative "meat" - utopia or dystopia?

A utopian evolution or science fiction dystopia




[ read the episode transcript ]


Part 4 - What we know and what we don't know      (11 minutes)


Raychel Santo, researcher at the Center for a Livable Future, helps us understand the environmental impacts, the animal welfare concerns and nutrition of these plant- and cell-based meat alternatives.


Agriculture economist Jayson Lusk joins us again to tell us who is actually eating these products and what the trends tell us about who will eat it in the future.




Considering plant-based meat substitutes and cell-based meats: A public health and food systems perspective (Raychel Santo et al, 2020)


Deep dive: Cultivated meat cell culture media (Good Food Institute)


FDA Completes First Pre-Market Consultation for Human Food Made Using Animal Cell Culture Technology (US FDA, 2022)