Ep4. Alternative "meat" - utopia or dystopia?

A utopian evolution or science fiction dystopia




[ read the episode transcript ]


Part 1 - The Why     (12 minutes)


We hear what motivates CEOs, investors and scientists to build this alternative meat future including reducing the environmental impact and animal suffering caused by industrial animal production.





Paul Shapiro is the CEO of The Better Meat Co., the author of the national bestseller Clean Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World, a five-time TEDx speaker, and the host of the Business for Good Podcast.


Steve Jurvetson is an early stage venture capitalist and co-founder of Future Ventures, whose investment portfolio includes SpaceX, Tesla, Skype and Upside foods.


Isha Datar is the executive director of New Harvest. You can watch her Ted talk which has over 2.2 million views.





Ted Talk: Harnessing fungi to create a climate of change in the meat world (Paul Shapiro , 2022)


Ted Talk: How we could eat real meat without harming animals (Isha Datar, 2021)


Book: Clean Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World (Paul Shapiro, 2018)