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How Can The NHS Plate Up Sustainable Food Alternatives?

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Event date
Event time
12 - 1pm GMT+1

Advertiser's description (via Eventbrite)

Join us for a thought-provoking webinar exploring the challenges and opportunities of integrating sustainable nutrition within the NHS. 

The NHS is under constant pressure to balance cost-effectiveness with high-quality patient care. Budget constraints and limited resources often push crucial areas like sustainable nutrition to the side-lines. However, "sustainable healthy diets", as defined by the British Dietetic Association, offer a promising solution. These diets: 

  • Prioritise health and well-being 
  • Minimise environmental impact 
  • Ensure accessibility, affordability, and safety 
  • Promote equity and cultural acceptance 

By incorporating practices like seasonal menus and plant-based alternatives, the NHS can align its nutritional needs with its green agenda. 

Our expert panel, featuring NHS professionals, industry leaders, and innovative businesses, will discuss: 

  • The challenges and opportunities of implementing sustainable nutrition in the NHS. 
  • Practical strategies for integrating sustainable food into healthcare systems. 
  • Innovative services and products supporting sustainable practices. 
  • The potential benefits for patient health, the environment, and cost-efficiency. 

Don't miss this chance to explore how the NHS can serve "The Green Plate" and nourish both patients and the planet. 

Register here
