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Methane and the sustainability of ruminant livestock

Building blocks - Published: 13 May 2020
… published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): John Lynch Tara Garnett Martin Persson Elin Röös Andy Reisinger Published: … John Lynch, Department of Physics, University of Oxford Dr Tara Garnett,…

How can we reduce food-related greenhouse gas emissions?

Chapter - Published: 13 Sep 2016
… was originally published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tara Garnett Jessica Finch Published: It is an internationally … Climate Research Network, University of Oxford. Written by Tara Garnett…

Food systems and greenhouse gas emissions

Chapter - Published: 13 Sep 2016
… was originally published by the   minute(s) read Author(s): Tara Garnett Pete Smith Will Nicholson Jessica Finch Published: … for example  these blog post discussions  between FCRN’s Tara Garnett…