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Waste Watch sustainability network

Waste Watch have been busy working out a new approach to enabling communities to live more sustainably.

They say "we recognise that much of what we are collectively doing as governments, businesses and civil organisations isn’t working. Instead we need to trial, innovate, collect evidence and advocate for new approaches to social change."

Their Sustainable Lifestyles network is a framework for innovation and has four founding principles:

  • valuing society and the environment
  • learning through experience and exploration
  • collective change
  • collaboration
  • "For it to succeed we need like-minded individuals and organisations to increase its impact, and join us in a collective call for change." To join the network and take part through upcoming workshops, discussions and the sharing of ideas visit here

    "The first founding principle is expressed through our Working from values discussion paper. In it we call for practitioners to campaign and engage communities by appealing to, and building on, our more altruistic or common values. We believe this approach provides a solid foundation upon which we can create change on the scale required."

    To access the working from values discussion paper, see here

    In addition – you might be interested in this article in Nature Climate Change which explores issues of values, identity and ‘green’ behaviour see here

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