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Vulnerability Assessment of the North East Atlantic to Climate Change

This early and comprehensive report, "Vulnerability Assessment of the North East Atlantic to Climate Change", by Trevor Baker in 2005, covers the impacts of climate change on all bio-physical parameters of the NE Atlantic.

The report identifies the how the effects of changes at the base of the food chain can knock on to impact top predators. Critically, it assesses how impacts can cause the links between different parts of the marine food chain to become strained or broken (trophic mismatch).

This early and comprehensive report, "Vulnerability Assessment of the North East Atlantic to Climate Change", by Trevor Baker in 2005, covers the impacts of climate change on all bio-physical parameters of the NE Atlantic.

The report identifies the how the effects of changes at the base of the food chain can knock on to impact top predators. Critically, it assesses how impacts can cause the links between different parts of the marine food chain to become strained or broken (trophic mismatch).

It also covers ocean acidification. The full report is attached below, as well as a 4 page summary.

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