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Sustainable Energy: A Framework for Decision Makers

The UN has published a new report on biofuel production entitled Sustainable Energy: A Framework for Decision Makers.

While the report highlights the benefits of bioenergy systems as regards poverty alleviation, access to energy services, rural development and rural infrastructure, it stresses that ’Unless new policies are enacted to protect threatened lands, secure socially acceptable land use, and steer bioenergy development in a sustainable direction overall, the environmental and social damage could in some cases outweigh the benefits.’

It recommends that the production of crops that require high fossil energy inputs (such as conventional fertilizer) and valuable (farm) land, and that have relatively low energy yields per hectare, should be avoided. The report also observes that even 'sustainably'- produced energy crops could have negative impacts if they replaced primary forests, since deforestation leads to large releases of carbon from the soil and forest biomass which will negate the benefits of biofuels themselves.

It also notes that while the market for biofuels brings with it employment opportunities, food security could be threatened if land, water and other resources are diverted from food production. Food access could also be compromised by higher basic food prices resulting from increased bioenergy feedstock demand.

Click here to read the press release. You can also see the Guardian’s coverage of the report here.

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