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Sustainability of seafood production and consumption

The Journal of Cleaner Production has a special issue dedicated to sustainable seafood, with a suite of papers covering a range of topics. The stated purpose of the special issue is to bring together a series of papers that will form a nucleus for the growth of an emerging area of scholarship.

The Journal of Cleaner Production has a special issue dedicated to sustainable seafood, with a suite of papers covering a range of topics. The stated purpose of the special issue is to bring together a series of papers that will form a nucleus for the growth of an emerging area of scholarship.

Overfishing and marine habitat damage have generated a global crisis in the production of seafood. In order to respond to this crisis we need systems for the management of seafood production and consumption that will comprehensively reduce and eventually eliminate wastefulness in both capture fisheries and aquaculture systems.

Thirteen papers address these issues, with focuses on: seafood harvesting practices, fish processing, life cycle assessment, eco-efficiency, management of wastes, seafood distribution and consumption, total energy costs, eco-labeling, and the conservation of resources and biodiversity.

The editors conclude that major changes are required in our approaches to the management of both the marine environment and our seafood capture and production systems. They also conclude that steps have been taken in this direction, but there is still far to go. This special volume: Volume 17, Issue 3, Pages 321-430 (February 2009) is available here.

The contents list of this special volume is below:

Isolines as a new tool to assess the energy costs of the production and distribution of multiple sources of seafood.

Eco-labelling of wild-caught seafood products.

Toward a sustainable Iceland scallop fishery in Gilbert Bay, a marine protected area in the eastern Canada coastal zone

(ScienceDirect is a pay service.)

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