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Palm oil company commits to halting deforestation

The world’s second-largest palm oil company has agreed to stop clearing Indonesian forests and peatlands.  Golden Agri-Resources Limited (GAR), part of the $2.3 billion Sinar Mas group, is the largest palm oil producer in Indonesia, and the first Indonesian company to make such a commitment.  

The world’s second-largest palm oil company has agreed to stop clearing Indonesian forests and peatlands.  Golden Agri-Resources Limited (GAR), part of the $2.3 billion Sinar Mas group, is the largest palm oil producer in Indonesia, and the first Indonesian company to make such a commitment.  

The company has pledged to stop clearing forest areas that are high in carbon, referred to as high carbon storage (HCS) forest, and renewed its commitments not to clear peatlands and forests of high conservation value, which are areas that are important for local livelihoods and as critical animal habitat. It is working in collaboration with The Forest Trust (TFT) to implement these commitments on the ground, the same non-profit group that is working with Nestlé on implementing its no deforestation commitments.
You can read GAR’s press release here

Greenpeace, who has campaigned extensively on palm oil/deforestation issues is pleased, but points to the fact that Sinar Mas group’s pulp and paper arm, Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), continues to be involved in deforestation as can be seen here,   

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