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Marine Climate Impact Partnership 2010 Annual report Card

The Marine Climate Impact Partnership 2010 Annual report Card covers the impact of the climate on UK seas and outlines a number of physical parameters of the marine ecosystem which are defined by the climate, coining the phrase, ocean-climate.

The Marine Climate Impact Partnership 2010 Annual report Card covers the impact of the climate on UK seas and outlines a number of physical parameters of the marine ecosystem which are defined by the climate, coining the phrase, ocean-climate.

It states that the ‘ocean climate is largely defined by its temperature, salinity, ocean circulation and the exchange of heat, water and gases (including CO2) with the atmosphere. The functioning of our marine ecosystem is highly dependent on changes to both ocean climate and acidification, whilst storms and waves, sea-level rise and coastal erosion pose clear threats to human life, built structures and shipping.’

The report card is attached below and further background science papers are also available here.

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