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Life Cycle : Improving Sustainability Assessments in Seafood

The paper, "Life Cycle Considerations for Improving Sustainability Assessments in Seafood Awareness Campaigns", reflects on the use of Life Cycle Assessments to better understand and manage global salmon production systems.

It argues that LCA research of fisheries and aquaculture provides valuable insights into the biophysical dimensions of environmental performance in alternative seafood production and consumption systems, and should be used to inform a more holistic approach to labelling, certifying, and educating for sustainability in seafood production.

The paper, "Life Cycle Considerations for Improving Sustainability Assessments in Seafood Awareness Campaigns", reflects on the use of Life Cycle Assessments to better understand and manage global salmon production systems.

It argues that LCA research of fisheries and aquaculture provides valuable insights into the biophysical dimensions of environmental performance in alternative seafood production and consumption systems, and should be used to inform a more holistic approach to labelling, certifying, and educating for sustainability in seafood production.

Pelletier, N, and P. Tyedmers (2008) “Life Cycle Considerations for Improving Sustainability Assessments in Seafood Awareness Campaigns”. Environmental Management. 42(5): 918-931.

The paper is available here.
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