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The Future of Food and Farming: Challenges and choices for global sustainability

This report covers the following points:

  • There is the need to link food security and environmental issues together.
  • As routes to achieving food security, the report emphasises the importance of improving access and distribution, and improving livelihoods within the food chain, as much as increasing production and productivity. The report sees food production as a route to achieving an end (eg. food security, human health, livelihoods) rather than a goal in itself.
  • It highlights the vital importance of protecting biodiversity since ecosystem reslience underpins future food security and ultimately human viability.
  • It emphasises that new technologies, including biotechnologies, are needed and that nothing should be dismissed a priori, and that much can be done with existing technologies.
  • Changing patterns of consumption (ie reducing meat consumption) are also essential, as is reducing waste. A spectrum of policy levers need to be considered, including fiscal, regulatory, choice editing and public awareness raising strategies.
  • It emphasises the need to prevent collapse of global fisheries.
  • It says that much more funding is needed for agricultural development and for revitalising agricultural extension services.
  • It says that much can be done to reduce emissions from agriculture, and there can be win-wins with food security (as well as some trade offs). There may, however, be limits to how far the agricultural sector really can decarbonise – in which case other sectors may need to do more.
  • It mentions animal welfare and the need to consider the broader ethical values people place upon aspects of the food system.
  • There is no one single solution – many approaches are needed to find a solution.
  • There are three documents available below, the FCRN summary, the Future of food and farming Report and the Action Plan.

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