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Fuelling global fishing fleets

This paper calculates that fisheries account for about 1.2% of global oil consumption and directly emit over 130 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

This paper calculates that fisheries account for about 1.2% of global oil consumption and directly emit over 130 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

It also calculates that the energy content of the fuel burned by global fisheries is 12.5 times larger than the edible protein energy content of the resulting catch – an efficiency ratio which is nevertheless still greater than that of land-based animal protein. This paper (and the other ones by Tyedmers) also finds a correlation between energy scarcity and species scarcity – in other words, the highest value, most endangered marine species such as tuna and cod, are those which are most energy-intensive to harvest.

Tyedmers, P., R. Watson, and D. Pauly (2005) “Fueling Global Fishing Fleets” Ambio. 34(8):635-638.

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