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FAO Expert Workshop on Climate Change Implications for Fisheries

This extensive report with a global focus is the output from an FAO convened expert workshop. It outlines why fisheries are key to people across the world, stating that more than 2.8 billion people across the world, rely on aquatic foods for 20% or more of their animal protein intake.

Technical discussions at the work shop were based around three comprehensive reports:

  • Physical and ecological impacts of climate change relevant to marine and inland capture fisheries and aquaculture

This extensive report with a global focus is the output from an FAO convened expert workshop. It outlines why fisheries are key to people across the world, stating that more than 2.8 billion people across the world, rely on aquatic foods for 20% or more of their animal protein intake.

Technical discussions at the work shop were based around three comprehensive reports:

  • Physical and ecological impacts of climate change relevant to marine and inland capture fisheries and aquaculture
  • Climate change and capture fisheries: impacts, adaptation, mitigation, and the way forward
  • Climate change and aquaculture: impacts, adaptation, mitigation, and the way forward

The Expert Workshop identified and reviewed the key issues of climate change in relation to fisheries and aquaculture, from the physical changes, the impacts of those on aquatic resources and ecosystems and how these ecological impacts translate into human dimensions of coping and adapting within fisheries and aquaculture. The Workshop also evaluated policy options and activities at the international, regional and national levels that can help minimize negative impacts of climate change, improve on mitigation and prevention, and maintain and build adaptive capacity to climate change.

The mitigation options discussed start with fuel use reductions and expand in to options throughout the life cycle of fish products. You can read the full report and background documents attached below.

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