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Energy consumption in the Norwegian fisheries

This paper explores the scale of energy consumed by most segments of the Norwegian fishing fleet for gadoid fish and for parts of the pelagic fleet for the period 1980–2005. Possible means of reducing energy use and emissions are discussed including changing operational strategies, hull forms and the use of alternative energy carriers. The use of liquefied natural gas is reported to be the best short term solution which could give a reduction of the discharge of NOx of 85% and CO2 of about 20%.

This paper explores the scale of energy consumed by most segments of the Norwegian fishing fleet for gadoid fish and for parts of the pelagic fleet for the period 1980–2005. Possible means of reducing energy use and emissions are discussed including changing operational strategies, hull forms and the use of alternative energy carriers. The use of liquefied natural gas is reported to be the best short term solution which could give a reduction of the discharge of NOx of 85% and CO2 of about 20%.
Energy consumption in the Norwegian fisheries, 2009. Schau, E., Ellingsen, H, Anders, E. and S. Aanondsen. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 17, Issue 3, Pages 325-334.

The book, Journal of Cleaner Production, may be bought here.

The paper can be found here, where the abstract can be viewed freely.

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