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Does the CAP need a refit?

Revamped agri-environment schemes could play a major role in ensuring we get maximum ecological and economic returns from UK land, according to research findings drawn from across the Relu programme.  

Briefing paper no 12, "Informing the Reform and Implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy", identifies key points from RELU research that could help to steer the reform of the CAP, currently underway.  

Revamped agri-environment schemes could play a major role in ensuring we get maximum ecological and economic returns from UK land, according to research findings drawn from across the Relu programme.  

Briefing paper no 12, "Informing the Reform and Implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy", identifies key points from RELU research that could help to steer the reform of the CAP, currently underway.  

The report advocates designing schemes within an ecosystems services framework, and developing a menu of options that enable each area of land to be managed to maximum ecological effect, and at an appropriate scale.  

Schemes could include new options for carbon storage, integrated pest management and reduction of public health risks from livestock waste, as well as responding to new disease threats. Stakeholder involvement should become routine, and enable farmers and other local people to contribute their own expertise to securing long term benefits from the land.



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