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The Common Fisheries Policy: getting the reform ball rolling

A speech by Commissioner Joe Borg at the Baltic Sea 2020 conference on achieving sustainable fisheries, included this reference to climate change: “Fisheries can no longer operate in isolation. Instead, its activities must gel with others, such as coastal development and climate change mitigation. One illustration of this trend can already be seen in the environmental pillar of the Maritime Policy, the Marine Strategy Directive, which sets regional quality objectives which will have a direct bearing on the CFP.”

A speech by Commissioner Joe Borg at the Baltic Sea 2020 conference on achieving sustainable fisheries, included this reference to climate change: “Fisheries can no longer operate in isolation. Instead, its activities must gel with others, such as coastal development and climate change mitigation. One illustration of this trend can already be seen in the environmental pillar of the Maritime Policy, the Marine Strategy Directive, which sets regional quality objectives which will have a direct bearing on the CFP.”

This speech in Brussels, 3 April 2009, is available here".

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