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Co-Product Allocation in LCAs of Seafood Production Systems

The focus of this methodological paper, Co-Product Allocation in Life Cycle Assessments of Seafood Production Systems: Review of Problems and Strategies, is the specific allocation problems faced in studying seafood production systems and how they have been addressed to date.

The focus of this methodological paper, Co-Product Allocation in Life Cycle Assessments of Seafood Production Systems: Review of Problems and Strategies, is the specific allocation problems faced in studying seafood production systems and how they have been addressed to date.

Based on a literature review, this paper concludes that more effort needs to be invested in developing allocation procedures appropriate to seafood production systems. Allocation based on gross energy content is proposed as one potential alternative means of allocating environmental burdens in some instances in seafood production LCAs.

A standard set of requirements for how to describe and justify allocation decisions in published reports is needed to make these studies more robust and transparent.

The reference for the paper is, Ayer NW, Tyedmers PH, Pelletier NL, Sonesson U, Scholz A (2007): Co-Product Allocation in Life Cycle Assessments of Seafood Production Systems: Review of Problems and Strategies. Int J LCA 12 (7) 480–487.
The paper can be found here.

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